Backyard smokehouses and smokers have become pretty popular in the past years. Smoking meat takes patients, time and you know what that means... while your smoking that brisket you could be CNC'ing that new sign!
This "Hickory Harold's" sign was
created using models from these projects:
- Rustic Sign - Western Saloon No.3
- Bull Skull - Western Saloon No.1
- Ribs and Ribbon - Grill Master No.1
The fonts we used to simulate the v-carving on this layout are: Juice ITC and Andalus
Note - This hack was assembled in VCarve Pro V8 with the text simulated in Aspire v8!!!! Could have been done in VCarve Desktop or Aspire!!! So many options.
Be safe and let the chips fly!
The Design and Make/CNCProjects Team