Hack of the Week No.8

The great thing about our mini-projects is that you can mix and match the models or add in your own.

Our weekly mini-project hack uses models from 2 different projects! 

The weather is getting perfect for a weekend at the lake!  

The Lucky Loon Lodge sign was created using 4 different mini-projects:

The font we used to simulate the v-carving is called Sakkal Majalla.

Get a room while you can!

Be safe and let the chips fly!

The CNCminiProjects Team

Batten down the hatches!

If you are located near the coast, by a river or within sight of a lake you're sure to know how nice it is to launch your boat for an afternoon cruise.  Sailing, paddling or just floating your craft on a lazy day is as close to heaven as you can get.

Our second installment in the shipyard mini-project series adds some great models to create a plaque, sign or applique fitting for a great sailing vessel.  You might even consider combining it with the Shipyard No.1 mini-project to create a unique sign for a cabin, cottage or bed and breakfast.

There are the traditional models like a ship's wheel and skipjack but we also added in a whale's tail and a seagull to make things more interesting.

You'll notice another unique model that we think you will find very handy.  It looks like a chunk of ocean, sea, lake or maybe even a puddle.  All would be great uses for this water model.  

Straight out of the dock house it was designed to fit below the whale's tail or under the skipjack to create some great movement in your final layout.

Thanks for reading!  

Be safe and let the chips fly.

The CNCminiProjects Team

Shiver me timbers!!!!

We forgot to post about our Shipyard No.1 mini-project!

Back in September we pulled up the anchor on our first nautical themed mini-project.  Living on the east coast of Canada we have a fond connection to the ocean and sailing. 

This project gives you all the pieces to start that special project for your sailboat or local marina.  The anchor and ribbon have a traditional Navy feel so creating that award or project for the enlisted friend or family member is just a life preserver toss away (ok... that was not a great pun... sorry).

Let us help you keep your boat afloat.

Be safe and let the chips fly! 

 The CNCminiProjects Team!