Get a little loonie and scare up some fun!

This month has been a busy one here at CNCminiProjects.  We released 3 totally different mini-projects... one for the cottage, one for Halloween and one to help expand your options when using any of our mini-projects (and your own models for that matter)..

First there was the Loonie Cottage Sign mini-project.  May seem a little late in the season for this one but we are hoping to give you a jumpstart on next years cottage season.


Then we released the Halloween No.1 mini-project a few weeks before the ghost and ghouls start knocking at your door.  These fun models are sure to make a spookie impression on your little guests. 

Hallowen No.1 - Example3.jpg

And lastly we introduced the Dish Shapes No.1 mini-project.  This project is more for the new to CNC crowd or those that, within their software, can't model or create an attractive dish shape to add their models into.  The dish shapes make it possible to machine a model just below the surface of a wood blank or a door panel.  Not too sure what we mean... check out this Rough Cuts Video for all of the info. 

Gorilla Offer.png

Now for the best part of October... if you picked up either the Loonie Cottage Sign or Halloween No.1 mini-project during October you were sent a personal 20% off discount code to be used anything before November 30th!  Now that is no trick.... and it just might be the best treat you'll ever get this month.

That's it for October so get that CNC warmed up and get those chips flying!

The CNCminiProjects Team

Last few months... we've been growing.

You may have noticed we were pretty quiet last month... sorry about that.  Seemed that we got caught up in all sorts of projects and, as most side projects do, CNCminiProjects seemed to be what suffered. 

Last month we didn't publish any new mini-projects or send out any alerts.   We were light on adding any content and even our social presence (Twitter and G+) was... well... not present hardly at all. 

So... its a new month and we wanted to let you all know that we did not get hit by a bus and you can expect more from us this month. 

If you are on our mailing list you will have received an alert for our newest addition - Pop's Tool Shop No.1 mini-project.  We hope you have taken a few seconds and checked it out.  So far it has been pretty popular.  We can only assume that the style and subject is appealing to a lot of you Weekend CNC Warriors!  You can expect more like this in the future.

In and around the month of May we released 2 sports pick-up league themed min-projects: Basketball and Hockey.  Both seem to be missing posts in our Shop Notes section... so this will have to do for now.  If you missed them or would like to know what to expect in the Football and Soccer versions take a second and check them out.


We hope this makes up a bit for any lost posts and information we wanted to share.  There is lots more planned for the future so don't cancel the email subscription yet.... please... please. 

Safe CNC'ing to you all... and enjoy the summer!

The CNCminiProjects Team

PS... leave a comment... we would love to hear from you!

Mom's little Garden...

Earlier this month we released the "Mother's Garden No.1" mini-project and some how we missed making a blog post... oops. ​  So here it it is... just in case you missed the CNCminiProjects Email Alert, G+ posting, multiple Twitter posts ans re-shares... ;)​

"Welcome to Mom's little Garden" a place where you can go to loose yourself and get closer to nature.  A place that deserves not only your attention but also that of neighbors, friend and family.  

Every garden is different: some big, some small, some have flowers, some vegetables, some fit on a window sill and others take up acres. 

This is a pretty little mini-project and I'm sure you can find plenty of uses for it.  This project started out as a 5 model project but in the end we added in a bonus model!!!!​

- 1 traditional blank garden sign
- 1 round sign with a recesses dish in the center
- Tulip model
- Marigold model
- Daisy model
BONUS - Tulip with out the leaves

This close to Mother's Day it will be a simple weekend project to put together a ​perfect gift that she will be sure to love!

Be safe and keep the chips flying! ​