Doug Pinney'a User Group Follow Up! WOW!

When we were a the the 2015 Vectric User Group meeting, past Weekend CNC Warrior, Doug Pinney took the time to introduce himself.  During our conversation he took us on a visual tour of his work and work he was getting ready to complete when he returned home.

The finish part below was one he took the time to show us and it looked impressive in Aspire.  The finished piece is more than impressive...

"Wood is Cherry Size is 22.5" X 32.5" Some of the items can from Pop's Tool Shop No. 2"

As he said in his comment some of the models came from the Pop's Tool Shop No.2 CNC project but the others he modeled himself!

Lots to take in when you look at his layout.  I think we all can agree it is a pretty nice finished project.

Thank you Doug for sharing this project with us! 

John Mordus is now "Weekend CNC Warrior" Approved!

It is always great to hear from users that are relatively new to CNC.  John has only had his CNC for a short time but he sure knows how to make our CNC projects look good! 

"Probotix Nebula - used it a whole 2 months already.``

Looking at John`s work you'd think he had been using his machine and software for much longer then that. 

John uses Aspire V8 and used it to create these layouts and even sorted out how to cross the wrenches.  Nice touch!

"Cut from pine - 5/4 x 6 - 2 2ft lengths glued together"
"This is the tool sign I was telling you about. It's ready to Vcarve"

John hacked together 2 of our projects to create this great shop sign (Pop`s Tool Shop No.1 and Dad`s Garage No.1).  Like he mentioned it is just waiting to be customized with a shop name or saying!  


Thank you John for sharing these projects with us! 

Consider yourself...  Weekend CNC Warrior Approved!

Be safe and let the chips fly!

The Design and Make It Team

Hack of the Week No.53 + Video

Note - This hack was assembled in Aspire V8 for presentation purposes.  It could have been done in VCarve Pro V8 or VCarve Desktop!!!  So many options.

This hack was inspired by an image we found while searching the web.

We noticed that we could layout something similiar using models from varoiuus projects in our libiary.

This vintage "Dad's Garage" sign was created using models from these projects:

The font we used to simulate the v-carving on this layout is call:  Schadow BT

A Little Something Extra

We created a 8min video showing you how we created this hack in Aspire V8 (using tools that are available in VCarve Pro v8 and Desktop with the exception of the Shadow Shaded view). 

If your new to using our projects in VCarve Desktop, VCarve Pro V8 or Aspire this will be worth the time to watch!

Why not hack together your own layout mixing and matching models form other projects or from your own library!  For some great inspiration check out our  hacks page!

Be safe and let the chips fly!

The Design and Make/CNCProjects Team