Mom's little Garden...

Earlier this month we released the "Mother's Garden No.1" mini-project and some how we missed making a blog post... oops. ​  So here it it is... just in case you missed the CNCminiProjects Email Alert, G+ posting, multiple Twitter posts ans re-shares... ;)​

"Welcome to Mom's little Garden" a place where you can go to loose yourself and get closer to nature.  A place that deserves not only your attention but also that of neighbors, friend and family.  

Every garden is different: some big, some small, some have flowers, some vegetables, some fit on a window sill and others take up acres. 

This is a pretty little mini-project and I'm sure you can find plenty of uses for it.  This project started out as a 5 model project but in the end we added in a bonus model!!!!​

- 1 traditional blank garden sign
- 1 round sign with a recesses dish in the center
- Tulip model
- Marigold model
- Daisy model
BONUS - Tulip with out the leaves

This close to Mother's Day it will be a simple weekend project to put together a ​perfect gift that she will be sure to love!

Be safe and keep the chips flying! ​

Rose Tiles - Broken - No.1 - UPDATE

Hello Weekend CNC Warrior!

It has come to our attention that some of our customers had slight issues with how the Rose Tile No.1 mini-project measured up.  The 2 tiles did not line up perfect and required a bit of jigging in order for them to look right and the transition between the tiles was not as smooth as it should have been.

We have taken that feedback and re-created the 2 broken tiles so that when merged together you will get a much better result.

Also we discovered that converting our ArtCAM files to Aspire is tricky when you are dealing with objects that need to line up perfect.  So we re-create the Aspire 3Dclip files directly in Aspire to make this work much better.

We do have a tip or two that will help when merging the tiles together:

- Overlap the tiles by a slight bit

- Jog/nudge/move the tiles left or right/up or down by a slight bit if you still notice anything off.

Thanks to the valuable feedback we received we can deliver a super end product to you.  Thanks for all of the feedback keep it coming!

If you have purchased the Rose Tile No.1 mini-project in the past you should have already received an email from us with a link to the updated files.  If not please let us know and we will be sure to be in contact.  We have also updated the full mini-project files so when new customer purchase this mini-project the will get the latest files.

Thanks again and keep safe!